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International workshop | Art, material culture and the Dutch empire: Dirk Valkenburg and his worlds | Limited seats for KITLV members

Museum Volkenkunde - Gerbrandtszaal Leiden

This program focuses on the visual and material culture of Dutch colonialism in the early modern period, especially in relation to the Atlantic world. It takes as starting point the works of Dutch artists such as Frans Post (1612-1680), Albert Eckhout (1607-c.1666) and Dirk Valkenburg (1675-1721), whose oeuvres represent some of the earliest moments of Dutch colonial encounter in the Atlantic world and offer a range of visual tropes about life under Dutch colonialism.

Online Algemene Ledenvergadering

Via Zoom

Geachte leden van de Vereniging KITLV, Het bestuur van de Vereniging KITLV hoopt van ganser harte dat het u allen goed gaat in deze vreemde tijden van Covid-19. Gezien de Corona-maatregelen was het niet toegestaan om de Algemene Ledenvergadering (ALV) en onze publieksmiddag doorgang te...